The optimized Babbitt alloy SnSb11Cu6-1.5Co was subsequently fabricated into wires, followed by conducting cold metal transfer (CMT) surfacing experiments. The Co element can promote the growth of interfacial compounds. The microstructure at the interface of the Babbitt alloy/steel is dense, and ...
50 锡 Sn 118.710(7)51 锑 Sb 121.760(1)52 碲 Te 127.60(3)53 碘 I 126.904 47(3)54 氙 Xe 131.293(6)55 铯 Cs 132.905 451 9(2)56 钡 Ba 137.327(7)57 镧 La 138.905 47(7)58 铈 Ce 140.116(1)59 镨 Pr 140.907 65(2)60 钕 Nd 144.242(3)61 钷 ...
Their crystal chemistry is compared to the structures of Ce8Rh17Sb14 and Yb5Cu11Sn8 on the basis of group-subgroup schemes. Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility data of the samples with RE = Pr, Nd and Gd show Curie-Weiss paramagnetism of the trivalent rare earths. Low-field suscept...
The microstructure of Sn-11Sb-6Cu Babbitt consists of a soft solution matrix and hard particles (SnSb and Cu 6 Sn 5 ). The soft solution matrix acts as solid lubrication and embedability provider, and the hard particles provide the sufficient load carrying capacity. In the present study, ...
起订数 1千克起批 10千克起批 发货地 江苏苏州 商品类型 化工能源 、 化工试剂 、 实验室试剂耗材 商品关键词 锡基巴氏合金粉、 巴氏合金粉、 Sn、 8Sb、 4Cu、 Sn、 11Sb、 6Cu、 北科纳米 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: 北科纳米 产品名称: 锡基巴氏合金粉 用途范围: 科研材料 加工...