You can discuss with community members and ask questions in our Discord server. We need interested people to work on this SDK with us! Main goals of this project is: Optimizing world rendering as much as possible Implementing HDR rendering pipeline Total rework of material system Improving ...
开发商:Studio Gauntlet 发行商:Studio Gauntlet 发行日期:2024 年 9 月 20 日 Discord Threads TikTok 查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 免费试用版 玩SNØ: Ultimate Freeriding Demo 安装试玩 查看完整游戏 近期活动与公告 查看全部 游戏内活动 We celebrate that our home town Trondheim is hosting an international sk...
国外已有多款AI创作工具和平台,能够被应用于服装设计领域。例如,知名开源AI创作工具Disco Diffusion、Discord频道的Midjourney、OpenAI的DALL•E2、谷歌的Imagen和Parti、微软的NUWA等。 相比于这些技术领先的公司和产品,国内软件在应对复杂语义和使用场景时仍有较大差距,需不...
Early on, Julia and Moorman found a card-collecting strategy game calledDuelyst, developed by a Berkeley indie studio. The strategy game had a devoted Reddit and Discord fanbase and a niche Twitch following. ThroughDuelyst, Julia’s Twitch channel viewership grew steadily. “You could see [Julia...
DreamStudio 步骤:打开官网,输入关键词便可生成,还可以拉一张参考图,输入关键词进行图片生成。能够快速生成插画想法,简化工作流程和效率。 7 Open ai Open ai下的一款插画生成软件。操作同dreamstudio相同,但这款软件是付费软件,但图片质量不错。 智能生成素材图类 ...
The first of those was presumably opened recently – CDPR just announced a new studio in Wroclaw, to help with development of Cyberpunk 2077. What this new game could be is pretty much anybody’s guess at this point. CDPR have said they’re not making The Witcher 4, but it’s very ...
第二个可执行文件是从Discord内容发布网络中获取并解密的。它是Phoenix键盘记录器,一个信息窃取程序。同样被注入dropper的还有用c#编写的远程访问工具QuasarRat。 在接下来的一周中,攻击者使用安装的QuasarRAT启动了Phoenix信息窃取器,并通过MSBuild执行命令。MSBuild构建...
1. 图像生成3D模型:仅需输入一张图片,AI即可在10分钟内生成3D模型,此功能目前在Discord开放体验。 2.文本生成3D模型:只需输入文本就能在2分钟内生成3D模型。 3.AI生成3D贴图:选择文本提示或2D原画作为输入内容,AI会在3分钟内为模型自动贴图。 目前在alpha...
studio-plugins balysv/material-menu balysv/material-ripple banchichen/tzimagepickercontroller bang590/jspatch banister/binding_of_caller banister/method_source bannedbook/fanqiang baomidou/mybatis-plus baoyachi/stepview baoyongzhang/android-pullrefreshlayout baoyongzhang/swipemenulistview barbajs/barba baronz...
图9:Cubase和FL Studio 无论数字音频工作站能保持不受新兴技术颠覆的影响,还是在未来20年内慢慢开始转向面向未来,或是从头开始完全重新设计,2023年感觉像是一个拐点。使用场景开始进行转变,市场将会因此重构。专业音频顾问Scott Simon问道: “数字音频工作站遇上麻烦了吗?...