After Russia attacked Ukraine in late February, Zelensky has addressed a slew of national parliaments and major international forums, including NATO, the G7 and the UN in an effort to rally countries to Kiev’s cause and help it fight off Moscow’s offensive. However, in late June, when t... 2. (Oct.18,2024)Zelenskyy says 10,000 North Koreans could join Russian forces in Ukraine as he pushes ‘victory plan’...
[4] Abdujalil, A., Chris, P.(2024, 26 July). Ukraine's hopes and challenges after long wait for F-16s. BBC. [5] Tara, J., Kostyantyn, H., Radina, G. (2024, August 27)...
May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun A silvery malleable metallic element that resists corrosion; used in many alloys and to coat other metals to prevent corrosion; obtained chiefly from cassiterite where it occurs as tin oxide. ...
Reuters: Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy has appealed to Chinese and US leaders to attend the peace summit in Switzerland next month. Will China be attending? And if yes, who will China send? 毛宁:在乌克兰问题上,中方始终秉持客...
“Zelenskiy / Official.” Telegram, Accessed 21 Feb. 2024. “Zelenskyy Replaces Ukraine’s Top General.” NBC News, 8 Feb. 2024,
此前,Deepfakes(深度伪造)技术也被用于传播虚假新闻。2022年3月,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后,Facebook曾删除一个关于Zelenskyy的质量非常差、也非常不可信的深度伪造视频,视频中Zelenskyy要求乌克兰军队放下武器并投降。该视频最初分享在被黑的Ukraine 24网站上,随后在其他... 在可能对乌克兰产生巨大影响的美国总统大选前几天,乌克兰领导层专注于一件事:尽可能地置身事外。 乌克兰总统办公室顾问米哈伊洛·波多里亚克说...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky dared Russia's leader to meet with him Thursday, saying that "I don't bite". 周四,乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基鼓动俄罗斯领导人与他会面,称“我不咬人”。 During a news conference in Ukraine's capit...
近日,《时代》(TIME)杂志将2022年度人物(Person of the Year)授予:泽连斯基和“乌克兰精神”(Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the spirit of Ukraine)。 Zelenskyy and the spirit of Ukraine are 'Time' magazine's 2022 Person of the...