A quantum computer with enough qubits will be able to break commonly used public key cryptography. While we cannot be sure that there will ever be a quantum computer powerful enough, the development of quantum computers has been fast during recent years. Because the threat from quantum computers ...
Procedia Soc Behav Sci. 2013;103:657–64. Article Google Scholar Akçayır M, Akçayır G. Advantages and challenges associated with augmented reality for education: a systematic review of the literature. Educ Res Rev. 2017;20:1–11. Article Google Scholar Bower M, et al. ...
Wos核心合集数据库(Web of Science Core Collection™)是全球领先的引文数据库,包括科学引文索引扩展(SCI)、社会科学引文索引(SSCI)、艺术与人文引文索引(AHCI)、科技会议录索引(CPCI-S)、社科人文会议录引文索引(CPCI-SSH)和新兴资源引文索引(ESCI)。Web of Science核心...
Institute of Science and Environment, University of Saint Joseph, Macau, SAR, China Correspondence: Raquel O. Vasconcelos (raquel.vasconcelos@usj.edu.mo) Chinese Medicine 2023, 18(S2): A2 The increasing levels of environmental noise due to growing urban aggregations are creating a serious hazard ...
The Li-Sn binary system has been the focus of extensive research because it features Li-rich alloys with potential applications as battery anodes. Our present re-examination of the binary system with a combination of machine learning and ab initio method
The CoSn2 alloy has found extensive applications as a convenient and economic way of providing an attractive finish for lock and door hardware, plumbing fixtures, appliance components, office equipment, tools, computer electrical components, tubular furniture, store fixtures, jewellery, hinges, kitchen ...
Article MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar Download references Author information Authors and Affiliations Department of Computer Science, North Carolina A&T State University, 1601 E Market St, Greensboro, NC, 27411, USA Abeer Aljuaid & Mohd Anwar Corresponding author Correspondence to Mohd Anwar. Ethics...
The purpose of this paper is to map the works in the Agent Oriented Software Engineering and Engineering Multi-agent Systems fields that use the statecharts paradigm to aid the software development process. We did not only focus on finding out the methods that employ statecharts, but also on id...