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Sun P,Andersson C,Wei X C,et al.Study of interfacial reac-tionsin Sn-3·5Ag-3·0Bi and Sn-8·0Zn-3·0Bi sandwich structure solder joint with Ni(P)/Cu metallization on Cu substrate. Journal of Alloys and Compounds . 2007P. Suna,C. Andersson,X. Wei,Z. Chen,D. Shangguan,J Liu...
Sn23. 5Ag20. 5Cu/ Cu 界面的显微结 构[J ] . 中国有色金属学报 ,2006 ,16 (3) :4952499.王烨, 黄继华, 张建纲, 齐丽华. Sn-3.5Ag-0.7Cu/Cu界面的 显微结构[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2006, 16(11): 495-499. WANG Ye, HUANG Ji-hua, ZHANG Jian-gang, QI Li-hua. Microstructure of Sn...
这次趁着京东上西数SSD有优惠活动,一口气入手了两条SN770 1T和两条SN850X 2T,SN770 1T的活动到手价为419元,而SN850X 2T的活动到手价为899元,因为有晒单送30元或50元E卡、加购领30元优惠劵、3期免息等超多福利,确实非常划算了。 有些朋友可能会说,相对于目前市面上的其他一些SSD,你买的这个西数价格还...
Effect of 0.5 wt % Cu in Sn3.5%Ag Solder on the Interfacial Reaction with Au/Ni Metallization solder forms the ternary intermetallic compound (TIMC) of (Cu,Ni)6Sn5, while the Sn3.5%Ag forms the binary intermetallic compound (BIMC) of Ni3Sn4... MO Alam,YC Chan,KN Tu - 《Chemistry...
科达成环保含银锡丝无铅锡线SN96.5AG3.0CU0.51KG/卷 深圳市科达成金属有限公司14年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥374.00成交3卷 供应星之岛Sn96.5Ag3.0Cu0.5焊锡线无铅锡丝环保焊锡丝 深圳市星之岛焊锡材料制造有限公司19年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
In contrast to the reaction between Ni and the Sn-Ag solders doped with different amounts of Cu, the type of intermetallic compound formed does not depend on the Ni concentration. The compound Cu 6 Sn 5 forms for all the Ni concentrations used. For the Ni-doped solders, the Cu 6 Sn ...
近半年来m2接口的NV协议的固态一直在下探,从1GB可能2-3元到1GB1元,1GB低于1元以下,让越来越多的消费者能够触及这一领域,要回想2-3年前,我装机的时候,1TB容量NV固态的价格基本上都是2000-3000之间,而最近半年,500GB的海康威视只需要400-500元,现在西数的WD Blue SN550需要850左右,某宝需要750左右,相当于0.75...
The growth kinetics of intermetallic compound layers formed between Sn-3.5Ag solder and Cu substrate were investigated as a consequence of solid-state isot
上期所2503合约进入交割月持仓要求 | 交易提示:2025.2.28 1. 合约最后交易日: FU2503合约最后交易日 2. 非整数倍持仓调整: AL2503、CU2503、ZN2503、PB2503合约的非套保和套保持仓调整为5手的整倍数, NI2503合约的非套保和套保持仓调整为6手的整倍数,AU2503合约的非套保和套保持仓调整为3手的整倍数,AG2503、...