Discover luxury leather bags, notebooks, diaries, and personalised stationery, and accessories at Smythson. Timeless British elegance and exceptional quality since 1887.
Discover Smythson's new collection of luxury leather bags and accessories. Designed in a variety of leathers and rich colours, they'll become your everyday companion.
Discover classic stationery with a luxury finish from Smythson. You'll find diaries with week-to-week views by the heritage British brand at Selfridges.
Visit Smythson at Heathrow. Find contact details, opening hours and map location. Save time and reserve and collect.
Stay on top of things every day with our Smythson diaries. Crafted from soft and supple leather, many have a textured cross-grain finish. They come in a choice of understated shades, each one bringing a hint of decadence to the everyday. The week-to-week layout offers an easy overview ...
在SSENSE 选购 Smythson 男士 产品与配饰,订单金额超过 300 美元,即可免费配送至中国。挑选如意的Smythson 产品,全球直邮。
英文名: Smythson 中文名: 斯迈森 地区: 英国 创建年代: 1886 创建人: 弗兰克·斯迈森 现任设计师: 斯迈森品牌介绍 斯迈森 (Smythson) 是英国豪华文具和皮具配件经典老品牌,斯迈森 (Smythson) 更是世界上八个获得四项御用供应商封号的公司之一。英国伊丽莎白女王、摩纳哥王妃格蕾丝·凯利 (Grace Kelly) 、各国的...
创立于1887年的Smythson,是英国的奢侈皮革笔记本品牌,拥有132年的历史。这个品牌赢得了四项皇室御用供应商的封号,彰显了其卓越的品质和尊贵地位。👑英国伊丽莎白女王、摩纳哥王妃格蕾丝·凯利以及美国总统夫人Jackie Kennedy都是Smythson的忠实粉丝。💫Smythson笔记本的内页纸张是其一大特色,这种超薄纸张轻盈且坚韧,不易破损...