商品名称:象印(ZO JIRUSHI)SM-WR 商品编号:10103655231419 店铺: 象印越美居专卖店 功能:一键速开 适用人群:男士,女士 杯身主体材质:304不锈钢 杯盖样式:弹盖 内胆材质:304不锈钢 杯身样式:直身杯 适用场景:职场,户外旅行,家用,车用,通用 国产/进口:进口 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 ...
象印 不锈钢真空保温杯一键式SM-WR型SM-WRE 使用说明书
The WRSM was poured into a cylindrical mold having a diameter of 5 cm and a height of 15 cm. After the solvent extraction process, the mold was placed in an oven to vulcanize the WRSM. The temperature and time for vulcanization were 180[degrees]C and 30 min, respectively. Weathering pr...
@smwr 抖音号 1804607222 我的态度取决于你对我的态度 关注 作品300+ 喜欢 过度真诚只会让自己加倍痛苦,坦然的接受落差感,也是一辈子的必 “日子很难周全所有,你心明,它就温柔,你开心,它就幸福”。 过年了,烟花放起来#过年 时而开心,时而忧伤,时而迷茫,时而清醒,但依旧善良。 不羡慕谁,不期待谁,喜欢的...
If wrsmtest finds the device not connected, the test fails, otherwise, it returns the following message: device is connected. Functional (Offline Yes wrsmtest performs all three subtests (Random test, Incremental test, and Pattern test) sequentially. It allows you to specify options in ...
WRSM 2003 was intended to be a selective Workshop for fostering collaborations amongst leading international...doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39962-9_85Narasimhan, PriyaCarnegie Mellon UniversityBlake, BrianGeorgetown UniversityCabri, GiacomoUniversity of Modena...
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