Literature But there was one mildly smutty song he remembered from his school days. Pero había una canción ligeramente obscena que recordaba de sus días de colegio. Literature ‘God, why does everything have some smutty other meaning?’ ¿Por qué tiene que tener todo algún signific...
lesser extent, using those journals for 45% of their output – so the bond wasn’t such a tight symbiosis, and they also worked with other low-end publishers from the “grey literature”. In the last few years they widened their scope to target “Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy”, fr...
masculine scent, and then she turned down a street that wasn’t normally on her running route and followed it. The burning she’d been feeling in her legs earlier in her run faded to a distant memory. The plans she’d been making were forgotten. There was only the need to follow the ...
After I suddenly lose my husband, Patrick, in a senseless shooting, I’m lost in a sea of well-meaning people trying to make the unimaginable seem possible. How am I supposed to go on without the man who’s been at the center of my life for nearly a decade? My friends and family ...