7Branches13Tags Code README Apache-2.0 license Smudgeplot Version: 0.4.0 Arched Authors:Gene W MyersandKamil S. Jaron, Tianyi Ma. Install the whole thing This version of smudgeplot operates on FastK k-mer databases. So, before installing smudgeplot, please installFastK. The smudgeplot installati...
GenomeScope1.0的本地版是用一个R脚本实现的,在GenomeScope github可以下载genomescope.R脚本,下载后把genomescope.R文件加入环境变量即可使用。。 Rscript genomescope.R sample.histo k-mer_length read_length output_dir [kmer_max] [verbose] 必需参数: sample.histo:频数分布直方表,jellyfish的结果。 k-mer_leng...
Here we introduce GenomeScope 2.0 (https://github.com/tbenavi1/genomescope2.0), which applies combi- natorial theory to establish a detailed mathematical model of how k-mer frequencies are distributed in heterozygous and polyploid genomes. We describe and evaluate a practical implementation of the ...
5. 提供相关资源或参考文献以供进一步学习 Smudgeplot GitHub仓库:Smudgeplot GitHub GenomeScope 2.0与Smudgeplot论文:GenomeScope 2.0 and Smudgeplot for reference-free profiling of polyploid genomes 相关工具和教程:可以参考GenomeScope、KMC等工具的官方文档和教程,以及相关的基因组分析教程和论坛讨论。
GenomeScope1.0的本地版是用一个R脚本实现的,在GenomeScope github可以下载genomescope.R脚本,下载后把genomescope.R文件加入环境变量即可使用。。 Rscript genomescope.R sample.histo k-mer_length read_length output_dir [kmer_max] [verbose] 必需参数: ...