Cox School of Business隶属于Southern Methodist University,坐落于美国达拉斯市中心,校园绿树成荫,学习环境私密,采用小班授课,师生之间互动频繁,学生等得到较多的私人关注,并且由于学校拥有出类拔萃的师资和良好的声誉,SMU的Cox商学院经常被评为世界上最优秀的商学院之一...
南卫理公会大学 (SMU)体育管理学硕士学位(Master of Science in Sport Management, MSSM)专为对体育商业充满激情,并希望成为这个上万亿美金规模的体育市场中的高级管理人才的你而设计。 Master of Science inSport Management MSSM整合了考克斯商学院(Cox School of Business)的MBA课程和西蒙斯教育及人类发展学院(Simmon...
商学院(Cox School Of Business)教育学院(Annette Caldwell Simmons School Of Education & Human Development)工程学院(Bobby B. Lyle School Of Engineering)文理学院(Dedman College Of Humanities And Sciences)法学院(Dedman School Of Law)神学院(Perkins School Of Theology)研究生申请 学位要求:正规...
Transforming the World of Business - One Person at a Time Since 1920, the SMU Cox School of Business has equipped students with the skills, knowledge and experience they need to succeed in business. The small class size creates a collaborative, highly... ...
商学院优势:其考克斯商学院(Cox School of Business)在全美排名前列,MBA项目以实践导向和行业联系紧密著称。 法学院影响力:戴德曼法学院(Dedman School of Law)培养了众多德州政商界精英,在能源法、国际法领域有较强声誉。 三、与新加坡管理大学的区别 需注意“SMU”也可能指新加坡管理大...
其考克斯商学院(Cox School of Business)和戴德曼法学院(Dedman School of Law)在全美专业排名中常居前50。学校注重小班教学,师生比为11:1,本科生平均班级规模为22人,提供个性化教育体验。此外,SMU与达拉斯当地企业联系紧密,为学生提供丰富的实习与就业资源。 三、排名对择校的参考价值 U...
SMU's Cox School of Business Launches Web Site Offering Cutting-Edge Research and Business Experts.
SMU 的商学院 (Cox School of Business) 和法学院 (Dedman School of Law) 在美国享有盛誉。 Cox 商学院的 MBA 项目一直名列前茅,培养了众多商业精英。Dedman 法学院则以其卓越的教学质量和严谨的学术氛围著称。👩⚖️👨⚖️ 此外,SMU 的艺术学院 (Meadows School of the Arts) 也非常出色...
Basic information and contact details for SMU: Cox Founded in 1920 as the Department of Commerce at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas, the Edwin L Cox School of Business has been shaped by local Dallas business throughout its history, not only in name but also in strategy...