学校概况 南卫理公会大学戴德曼法学院(SMU Dedman School of Law)成立于1925年,位处德克萨斯州达拉斯市中心以北五英里处一座绿树成荫的宏伟校园内。南卫理公会大学以其极佳的地理位置、雄厚的师资、优美的校园环境、广阔的社会关系网建造出一所充满活力的学习社区。处于美国第四大都市达拉斯沃斯堡市中心的地理位置为戴...
A private university of 11,000 students near the center of Dallas, SMU offers strong undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs through seven schools. Cox School of Business. Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences. Dedman School of Law. Lyle School of Engineering. Meadows School of the...
A private university of 11,000 students near the center of Dallas, SMU offers strong undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs through seven schools. Cox School of Business. Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences. Dedman School of Law. Lyle School of Engineering. Meadows School of the...
Faculty should welcome debate with conservatives,David J. Weber(Dedman Professor of History & Director, Clements Center for Southwest Studies) The Biggest Man on Campus,James F. Hollifield(professor of political science and the director of the Tower Center for Political Studies) ...