如果你想让所有的计算机都可以通过这台SMTP服务器Relay邮件,那么这里可以直接选择"All except the list below". 第四步:配置安全选项 [SMTP Virtual Server #1]属性的Delivery选项卡包含了与发送失败后重新尝试发送出站电子邮件的间隔相关的不同设置,以及不同的安全选项。 要配置安全选项,请单击Outbound security。 弹...
# main.cf 示例配置 myhostname = mail.example.com mydomain = example.com myorigin = $mydomain inet_interfaces = all mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128 relay_domains = $mydestination ...
Hi, i have 2 on-prem SMTP Relay server in windows 2016; the flow is application > SMTP Relay > DLP Server > Recipient; but starting from last Thursday, i notice all the email always got delay for 2 hours stuck at SMTP relaye server which i can't figure out why. Everything is good...
Local SMTP Relay Server 是 Windows 使用的 SMTP 服务器程序,用它就可以直接从你的电脑发邮件了。支持所有的 email 程序,包括 Outlook Express 和 Eudora,其中用 Outlook Express 效果最佳。不管用何种 email 程序,和该服务器连接的方法很简单,只需在 SMTP 栏内填写 localhost 就可以了。 Local SMTP Relay Server...
ServerComment : (STRING) "Default SMTP Virtual Server" ConnectionTimeout : (INTEGER) 600 ServerBindings : (LIST) (1 Items) ":25:" SecureBindings : (LIST) (0 Items) . . RelayForAuth : (INTEGER) 4294967295 RouteAction : (INTEGER) 0 ...
http://www.vsysad.com/2014/09/setup-and-configure-smtp-server-on-windows-server-2012/Only difference we did was to set the email details and TLS encryption for the Outbound Security tab as below. Also you need to set Smart host as smtp.office365.com in your case in Advanced window of...
步骤1:在Windows Server安装IIS和SMTP服务 Windows Server 2012 1) 在服务器管理(Server Manager),选择添加角色(Add Roles) 2) 在“开始之前”页面上,确定目标服务器和网络环境已为要安装的角色和功能做好准备。单击“下一步”。 3) 在“选择安装类型”页面,选择“基于角色或基于功能的安装” 4) 在“选择目标...
//This example assigns the name of the mail relay server on the//local network to the SmtpServer property.SmtpMail.SmtpServer ="RelayServer.Contoso.com"; 注解 如果Windows 2000 和 Windows Server 2003) 随附的本地 SMTP 服务器 (位于阻止通过端口 25) (任何直接 SMTP 流量的防火墙后面,则需要了解...
Mail Server for Windows supports SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, WEBMAIL with SSL/TLS secure. Let's build mail server with full features in one minutes.
the SMTP service can transfer messages through one or more intermediate relay SMTP servers. A relay server receives the original message and then delivers it to the destination server, or redirects it to another relay server. This process is repeated until the message is delivered or a designated...