客户端发送一个 AUTH 认证命令进行用户登录(使用 smtpd 方式)。 客户端发送一个 MAIL 命令指定发件人。 客户端发送一个 RCPT 命令指定收件人。 客户端发送一个 DATA 命令准备输入邮件正文。 客户端发送一个 . 命令(点命令)表示 DATA 命令结束。 客户端发送一个 QUIT 命令结束会话。 示例 为帮助您熟悉使用 SMT...
The error is because the Go SMTP package doesn't allow authentication without encryption. From https://godoc.org/net/smtp#PlainAuth PlainAuth will only send the credentials if the connection is using TLS or is connected to localhost. Otherwise authentication will fail with an error, without sen...
SmtpAuth will hold off from responding to the initial helo, or ehlo command until it has received confirmation from the server that the authentication was successful. Client to SmtpAuth Data, Example 1: 220 matt.netwin.co.nz DSMTP ESMTP Mail Server...
auth := smtp.PlainAuth( "", email, password, host, ) err := SendMailWithTLS( fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port), auth, email, []string{toEmail}, []byte(message), ) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Send email error:", err) } else { fmt.Println("Send mail success!") } retur...
->SMTPAuth = true; //授权 $mail->Username = 'test***@example.net'; //发信地址 $mail->Password = '***'; //SMTP 密码 $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS; //启用加密 //Recipients $mail->setFrom('test***@example.net', 'Mailer...
auth = smtp.PlainAuth("", AppConfig.smtpUser, AppConfig.smtpPassword, AppConfig.smtpHost) }returnsmtp.SendMail(addr, auth, from, to, []byte(self.String())) } 开发者ID:em3301,项目名称:domainpark,代码行数:29,代码来源:mail.go 示例2: sendEmailHtml ...
ServerClientServerClientEHLO client250 OKSTARTTLS220 Ready to start TLSEHLO client250 OKAUTH PLAIN base64(username\0username\0password)235 Authentication successfulMAIL FROM: <your-email@gmail.com>250 OKRCPT TO: <recipient-email@gmail.com>250 OKDATA354 Start mail inputSubject: Testing JavaMail APITh...
Message-ID:<1430c613-58@A.MB3outlook.com>From: admin@o365e083.onmicrosoft.com Subject: Consumer auto forward test MIME-Version:1.0Content-Type: text/plain Sender:"admin@o365e039.onmicrosoft.com"<admin@o365e039.onmicrosoft.com>X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagno...
Server: 250-smtp.server.com Hello250 AUTH CRAM-MD5 LOGIN PLAIN The server confirms the login, checks if it supports ESMTP (if it does not, it will continue with HELO thanks to the SMTP backward capability), and then offers the client a selection of authentication mechanisms. Client: AUTH...
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // 启用SMTP认证 $mail->Username = 'user@example.com'; // SMTP用户名 $mail->Password = 'secret'; // SMTP密码 $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; // 启用TLS加密,`ssl`也可用 $mail->Port = 587; // TCP端口号,使用465端口对于ssl ...