When an SMTP mail server responds to a mail message with: 250 Requested mail action okay, completed This indicates that the mail has been accepted by the server for delivery to the recipients mailbox. Note, however, that this does not guarantee that the end user will see the message. The...
When the receiver-SMTP accepts a piece of mail (by sending a "250 OK"message in response to ...
For example, if you specify the recipient of the email with the RCPT TO command, the SMTP server may respond with 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK. This code means that not only is your command successful, but the address of the recipient at the server has also been accepted. SMTP response codes...
2. 客户端收到应答码,发送HELO命令,启动SMTP会话,通过HELo命令,客户端向服务端提供标识信息; 3. 服务端响应应答码250,通知客户端建立会话成功。 邮件传送: 1. 客户端发送“MAIL; FROM”通知服务端发信人的邮箱与域名; 2. 服务端向客户端响应“250”; 3. 客户端发送“RCPT; TO”命令向服务端告知收信人的...
The SuccessfulConnection field gets an instance of theSmtpResponsestructure that represents a 250 Success response. Namespace:Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Smtp Assembly:Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport (in Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.dll) ...
The QueuedMailForDelivery field returns an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 250 2.6.0 response that indicates that the mail is queued for delivery. Namespace: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Smtp Assembly: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport (in Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport...
response=base64_encode(username : H_MAC(challenge, password)) H_MAC是Keyed MD5算法(见http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2195.html), 先由challenge和password生成16位的散列码, 将其转换成16进制32个字节的字符串数组digest(即以%02x输出), 再对(username+空格+digest[32])进行base64编码,就是要发送的respon...
response=base64_encode(username : H_MAC(challenge, password)) H_MAC是Keyed MD5算法(见http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2195.html), 先由challenge和password生成16位的散列码, 将其转换成16进制32个字节的字符串数组digest(即以%02x输出), 再对(username+空格+digest[32])进行base64编码,就是要发送的respon...
465 Invalid Response Code Received From Server 自服务器接收到无效的认证回应 自2010年开始,osTicket或是其他的邮件服务器开始使用此错误代码,若是认证设定有错误时,收信者的邮件服务器会回应此错误代码。 1. 请收信者联络邮递员解决认证设定上的修正。