Spencer:There is aSMTspin-off for kids calledDevil Children. One of the games out here under the nameDemikidsand it’s pretty much aPokemonclone. Yeah, SMT may have had monster allies first, butDemikidsand itsDigimonart style barely feels like a SMT game, except that the game starts wit...
🚑 ambulance ✅ white_check_mark 🤘 horns_sign, rock_on, heavy_metal, devil_fingers 🏗 building_construction, crane 🐈 cat2 🌔 moon, waxing_gibbous_moon ↘️ arrow_lower_right ✔️ heavy_check_mark 🍜 ramen ☎️ phone, telephone 🚇 metro 🤘 horns_sign, rock_on, h...
Motherly woman- calm, often talks about mothers and children. (examples: Azumi, Tiamat) Young woman - flirty, talks about love, relationships. (examples: Nekomata, Angel, Hathor, Valkyrie) Old man - uses old words, is sensitive to comments about their age, asks about how the world has cha...