are you looking for smsts.log file while running SCCM OSD Task sequence. smsts.log file will move on to different places when OS is deploying depending on the progress of the build and the architecture of the cont sit in one place Below lists the location of smsts.log while deplo...
In WinPE starting tsmsbootstrap.exe version 5.0.8790.1006 from location 'X:\sms\bin\x64\TsmBootstrap.exe'TSMBootstrap7/8/2019 12:25:31 PM1484 (0x05CC) Adding SMS bin folder "X:\sms\bin\x64" to the system environment PATHTSMBootstrap7/8/2019 12:25:31 PM1484 (0x05CC) Unable to ...
Instead, this share is the location that contains the code which is the alternate content provider. The contents of the share are shown.The code used by the alternate content provider can be anything. Here the code is simply a batch file named ACP for alternate content provider with 1 added...
Instead, this share is the location that contains the code which is the alternate content provider. The contents of the share are shown.The code used by the alternate content provider can be anything. Here the code is simply a batch file named ACP for alternate content provider with 1 added...
Instead, this share is the location that contains the code which is the alternate content provider. The contents of the share are shown.The code used by the alternate content provider can be anything. Here the code is simply a batch file named ACP for alternate content provider with 1 added...