ASR SMSL SU-6 Review (Desktop DAC) This is a review and detailed measurements of the SMSL SU-6 stereo Bluetooth and USB DAC. It was sent to me by the company to be sold by Shenzhenaudio. It will cost US$169.99 Pearl Acoustics [The VMV A1 Stereo Class A amplifier] How good can a...
I'm still delighted with my little SU1, but one day, I'd need balanced outputs as well. A display isn't important to me at all as it's all hidden away currently and eq not important in the source as I use analogue sources too. I would assume that SMSL is not fully integrat...
I have a SMSL SU-8 hooked up via optical to a Samsung Smart TV: No issues. Man-Cave: MAcMini, SMSL M300 , Adam Audio T8V, Living Room 1: LS50, Polk T50, Denon AVC-X3700H Living Room 2: WiiM mini, AIYIMA TPA3255, QAcoustics 350i Reactions: dsnyder0cnn, PoorishDecision ...
What is the difference of the SMSL SU-8 "Version 2" and the "Original" SU-8 featured in a couple of Drops last year?? Mar 25, 2021 Top Answer Hearst 171 I never post links to ASR, but this one actually might be useful to you. Not that any human is going to hear the difference...
I definitely like the built in power supply - just like the SU-8s. Deals like these remind me of the old Massdrop days :) Here are some useful links: Headfonics review: Passion for Sound review: ASR measurements...
New SMSL P1 headphone amp | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum - Nov 17, 2019 · WANTED: Happy members who like to discuss audio and other topics related to our interest. Desire to learn and share...
Is it related to the issue found in the M500 and SU-9 being discussed in multiple threads right now? I agree with you that the price is waaaaay too high for this product, especially as it's from a company seemingly always putting out fires. (How many issues has the M500 had???