newbie here - i have the SMSL SU-8S as well - am I supposed to connect amp to the DAC via XLR cable? If so, does that mean I'll need to unplug/replug every time I'd like to use my studio monitors connected to the DAC? The SU-8S has an XLR and RCA output - wondering I sh...
参数信息 品牌 S.M.S.L/双木三林 型号 SH-8S 上市时间 2024-02-29 产地 中国大陆 颜色分类 SH-8S 黑色 图文详情 本店推荐 SMSL双木三林AO300蓝牙解码器hifi发烧dac解码耳放一体机功放机 ¥1999.0 SENNHEISER/森海塞尔 E865-S有线舞台演出话筒电容人声手持麦克风 ¥1549.0 山灵M6 Ultra无损蓝牙音乐hifi播放器...
It is my pleasure to put the SMSL SH-8S on my recommended list. Note: this is a brand new product. Some headphone amps have had teething issues when released. If you are worried about such things, let others go before you and get some data on reliability. ...
In this article, we review the SMSL SU-8s & the SMSL SH-8s. They respectively cost $359 USD and $229 USD. Disclaimer:ShenzhenAudiosent us the SMSL SU-8s & SH-8s for this review, free of charge. I only covered the customs fees & taxes. All thoughts and experiences with the product...
Also available to bundle or order as standalone options are the SH-8 and the DA-8S, powerful amps great for use with the SU-8 or other DACs. Options SU-8 and SH-8 Combo (+$150) Specs SMSL SU-8 DAC Input: USB, optical, coaxial Output: RCA, XLR Output level: 2 Vrms (RCA...
Classic Toggle Switch for Operation; Ultra-compact design, suitable for desktop headphone system; High precision low temperature drift resistance, its performance is not affected by temperature; High quality relays and popless sound design; 6 Watts into 16 Ohm,3 Watts into 32 Ohm; ...
SMSL SH-8s $229 Technical These 2 amplifiers utilize SMSL’s own PLFC topology, so I’m sure that the 2 amplifiers will have quite a bit in common. It’s also interesting to see that they have the same power numbers, so that means they both have a rated output of 6W into 16Ω,...
others 其他 SMSL双木三林SH-X台式耳放平衡大推力台式耳放耳机放大器11.5W 3999元 (需用券) 4899元 值友7422725279 更新时间:2024-11-25 16:17 提示: 此爆料发布时间较久,价格可能已过期,已为您查找商品最新信息 或选择 继续查看 优惠爆料原文相关推荐 1 / 4 红米K80 5G手机 12GB+256GB 雪岩白 2062.53...