Foshan ShuangMuSanLin electronics Co., LTD. founded in 2009 which located in Shenzhen, China. And our branch company VMV Technology(HK) Company Limited registered in HK in 2013. Our company is specialized in the audio DAC, stereo headphone amplifier, pow
Foshan ShuangMuSanLin electronics Co., LTD. founded in 2009 which located in Shenzhen, China. And our branch company VMV Technology(HK) Company Limited registered in HK in 2013. Our company is specialized in the audio DAC, stereo headphone amplifier, pow
Sells SMSL Sabaj Loxjie Audiophile DAC, Amplifier, and Digital Player to Junior Audiophile, with free shipping and tax, including several warehouses around the world and shipping from the EU.
双木三林SMSL SU-1解码DAC分享 标题出现双木三林,国内发烧友扭头就走。 官网页面 SU-1 去看看 总结 吸引点: 😊纯解码。 😊监听声。安定、冷静。 😊售价便宜。 😊体积小。不占桌面空间。 劝退点: 😒监听声。缺少肉感。调音不够HIFI。 ...
SMSL D400EX Audio MQA DAC XMOS DSD512 Bluetooth Decoder Save ¥1,023.08 Original price ¥6,820.48 Current price ¥5,797.40 SKU HG00222966CND400EX Quantity Add to cart Share this: Description Specifications Reviews Q&A Shipping Warranty SMSL D400 EX is a brand new flagship Desktop ...
The SU-X features brand-new flagship dual ES9039MS Pro DAC chips that have a built-in MQA decoder. With the help of a 3rd-gen 16-core XMOS XU316 USB Processor, the SU-X supports native decoding for DSD512 and 32-bit/768kHz PCM audio signals. It adopts a newly developed CK-03 ...
SMSL’s newest line of digital-to-audio converters delivers next-generation audio decoding across a wide range of inputs. Leading the way is the flagship M400 DAC, which features AKM’s top-of-the-line AK4499EQ DAC chip for best-in-class audio quality. Also equipped with an XMOS XU216 ...
Now the zen dac v2 is definitely not bad and would be a major upgrade to most standard machines but in comparison of what I already had hooked up it closed in the sound stage and the audio literally wasn't as clear. I was shocked that ifi zen dac had the reviews that it does ...
Measurements of SMSL SU-9n DAC 话说起来好久没测解码器了……这次收到的解码是来自双木三林的 SMSL SU-9n 。上网查了下这是一台基于9038Pro的解码器,价格落在了非常实在的2500元RMB: SU-9n Photo 整机还是典型的SMSL风格的外壳设计……我依然要吐槽右边的旋钮(做工)不过考虑到价位,随它去了。直接测量:...
S.M.S.L 双木三林 SMSL D6S音频解码器蓝牙dac解码MQA发烧hifi解码ES9039Q2M 黑色996.5元什么值得买甄选出京东优惠促销商品,包括S.M.S.L/双木三林专业音频报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。