(AGI), you are able to purchase AIA Life Insurance - that is death cover and total & permanent disability (TPD) - through your Stake Super SMSF. Avoid out of pocket premiums by having them paid directly from your SMSF. What’s more, Life Insurance and TPD Insurance premiums are tax ...
Every SMSF tax return must include the fund’s approved auditor number as evidence that an audit has bene done before the lodgment of the return. We’re concerned that some trustees are quoting incorrect SANs, either in genuine error or in an attempt to conceal that an audit hasn’t been ...
K Rudd magic & why the mining super-profits tax is a superannuation tax The volatile world of the video games investor Commercial property trust / REIT investment using an Exchange Traded Fund (ASX:SLF) Dollar cost averaging in volatile equity markets ...
Naturally, Slack Investor is all for minimising these fees. Lets have a look at some of my favourite industry funds (Low cost high/performance) –Australian Super,Hostplus,UniSuper, andHESTA. Using theChant West AppleCheck online toolavailable through theAustralian Supersite we can compare what ...
Beliefs of Americans about investment returns from different asset classes The thing that has bothered me over the years about investing in low cost equity tracker funds which eliminate all that stock-specific risk and have historically performed far better than any other asset class, is that they...
So I went looking today for poor performing markets over the last couple of years where I could start to nibble at low cost index trackers, which had gone on to fall even more after the weekend’s events. I ended up buying small holdings in 3 iShares trackers that just happen to be in...