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a hour per week. Most weeks I wouldn’t spend any time on my SMSF but, around tax time, and when making decisions about buying or selling, pensions, or contributions, I would spend a few hours thinking or researching. Annually
Legislative risk – or “I’d rather have the cash now thank you” Whether you put money into a SIPP or SMSF, in the back of everyone’s mind is the question (especially with voluntary contributions) of whether it makes sense to lock your money up in this way. ...
Post-1 July 2017, the rules around TBC and total super balance (TSB), in conjunction with new restrictions on contributions, came into effect making it more difficult to move money into the concessionally taxed super environment. The use of reserves was an area we identified early that could ...
Whether you put money into a SIPP or SMSF, in the back of everyone’s mind is the question (especially with voluntary contributions) of whether it makes sense to lock your money up in this way. In Australia the point comes to the fore more with voluntary contributions as superannuation is...