SMS-1000SQ 产地 韩国 颜色分类 sMS-1000SQ-USB-output,sMS-1000SQ-Analog-output,sMS-1000SQ-Digital-output 图文详情 本店推荐 roon labs roon nucleus roon core 核心 系统 拓扑图 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#BwcHBwpS9FB2VHBmOmaIVANRkFQFU/FWyVVxWENfE19AUuZUbFpzXwNQ219RZ+dS7VE0XlZRBVqkWExe/V79VP9eZ...
Soundwise, the sMS-1000SQ went way past the point of diminishing returns -- you pay a hefty price for its sonic advantages. But the SOtMs have other advantages: for one thing, they don’t look like a computer. They look like audio components, and doggone attractive ones at that. ...
Dear valued Readers We'd like to proudly inform you about the new SOtM flagship product, the sMS-1000SQ Windows Edition with AudiophileOptimizer & Roon and take the chance to start the official thread in coordination with SOtM Audio and Chris Connaker. T
SOtM来自韩国,旗下产品以串流播放与音响级网络周边配备为主,这部sMS-1000SQ Windows Edition则是SOtM的旗舰串流播放器,是在原本基于Linux操作系统的sMS-1000SQ之后,新推出的基于Windows操作系统的版本。和Linux版相较,sMS-1000SQ WE具备更多样化的兼容性,可支持多种音响迷常用的播放软件或音乐串流服务,像是Roon、Tidal...