Method 1: Binding a phone number as an individual system userLog in to your bastion host using your static password. On the Dashboard page, click the user name in the upper right corner and choose Profile. In the displayed Profile management page, click Edit. In the displayed Edit Basic ...
Sun Java System Messaging Server 透過使用簡訊服務 (SMS) 來實作電子郵件至行動電話和行動電話至電子郵件的郵件傳送。可以將 SMS 配置為單向 (僅電子郵件至行動電話) 或雙向 (電子郵件至行動電話和行動電話至電子郵件均可)。若要只啟用單向服務,則必須新增並配置 SMS 通道。若要啟用雙向服務,除了要新增並配置 ...
如果此伺服器不同,請勿在提供者伺服器上啟動 WMI 控制件。 單擊 [記錄] 索引標籤,然後將記錄層級設定為 [詳細資訊],以將記錄增加至 Windows_folder\System32\Wbem\Logs\Wbemcore.log 檔案。 在站台伺服器上分析此記錄。 您會看到產生的所有 WMI 流量。 尋找SMS系統管理員控制台嘗試...
You have logged in to DeviceManager as an administrator that has the permission of one of the following: Super administrator Administrator A short messaging service (SMS) modem has been installed on the system or maintenance terminal. The COM port of the SM modem has been configured to send sh...
String LastLogonUserDomain; String LastLogonUserName; DateTime LastLogonTimestamp; String MACAddresses[]; String MDMDeviceCategory; String Name; String NetbiosName; UInt8 ObjectGUID[]; UInt32 Obsolete; String OperatingSystemNameandVersion; String PreviousSMSUUID; UInt32 PrimaryGroupID; Str...
OS: system device The value can be: BOOT OS size Yes Long The disk size, in bytes. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 9223372036854775807 used_size Yes Long The used disk space, in bytes. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 9223372036854775807 physical_volumes Yes Array of PhysicalVolume objects Th...
If OK appears in the output, the GSM modem has connected to the host through the serial port. In this case, go to 9. If the system does not respond to the command, the GSM modem has been disconnected from the serial port. In this case, go to 7. Re-log in to the page for ...
Start the WMI Control on the site server. Do not start the WMI control on the provider server if this server is different. Click the Logging tab, and then set the logging level to Verbose to increase the logging to theWindows_folder\System32\Wbem\Logs\Wbemcore.log ...
Sun Java System Messaging Server 通过短消息服务 (Short Message Service, SMS) 来实现电子邮件至移动设备与移动设备至电子邮件之间的邮件服务。SMS 可配置为单向(仅电子邮件至移动设备)或双向(电子邮件至移动设备与移动设备至电子邮件)。要只启用单向服务,您必须添加和配置 SMS 通道。要启用双向服务,除了必须添加和...
The SMS Manager offers many features that are beneficial to many companies who use WHMCS as their billing system Client Login - Send an SMS to your client when someone logs into their account Client Registration - Let your clients know that their account is setup and that they will receive SM...