Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) is a rare genetic condition characterized by intellectual disability, disrupted sleep patterns, facial abnormalities, and behavioral problems such as temper tantrums, aggression, impulsiveness, anxiety, and self-harm. Due to these symptoms, children with SMS may be ...
such as diet, discomfort symptoms, exercise, etc. [The] XL will also remind me through messages to make an outpatient follow-up visit a week in advance. Further, compared to the last year, the BMD of my hip increased a lot. I am quite happy. Thank you very much...
Symptoms with early onset, high prevalence and high positive likelihood ratio were identified and combined for a risk score called Kid-Short Marfan Score (Kid-SMS). Three risk categories for suspicion of Marfan syndrome were developed. Finally, the Kid-SMS was operated in 130 paediatric patients ...
Aim Physical exposure during mobile phone use results in poor posture and repetitive movements of the hand and thumb cause groups of symptoms. The terms 'text neck syndrome' and 'SMS thumb' are the most common among them. Our aim was to find out the prevalence rate of text neck syndrome ...
For example, Piriformis syndrome can happen to runners, but also to people who have to sit for long periods of time, so can affect wheelchair users. In Piriformis syndrome, the sciatic nerve is pinched by the small piriformis muscle in the buttock, causing horrible pain and discomfort in the...
Vinik AI, Tsai ST, Moattari AR et al (1986) Somatostatin analogue (SMS 201-995) in the management of gastroenteropancreatic tumors and diarrhea syndrome. American Journal of Medicine 81 (6B): 23-41.Vinik AI, Tsai ST, Moattari AR, Cheung P, Eckhauser FE, Cho K. Somatostatin analogue ...
The parental "acceptance-rejection syndrome": universal correlates of perceived rejection. Am Psychol. 2004;59(8):830–40. Article PubMed Google Scholar Herek GM. Hate crimes and stigma-related experiences among sexual minority adults in the ...
Jimmie’s suffering from both retro and anterograde amnesia, as explained by Sacks, results from Korsakov’s syndrome – a destruction of memory caused by alcoholic 952 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More Repressed Memory Two of the consequences of sexual abuse that interest me the most is ...
Three additional patients had a clear relief of symptoms without an effect on tumor-secreted peptides. The disease progressed in three patients during treatment. No reduction of tumor mass was seen in any of the patients. The main side effect noted was a slight but maintained increase in ...
Dural ectasia in children with Marfan syndrome: A prospective, multicenter, patient-control study The clinical diagnosis of Marfan syndrome in childhood is difficult, because symptoms may not have developed to their full expression until adulthood. The ... W Knirsch,C Kurtz,Nicole Hffner,... - ...