“ショートコードに切り替えるためのエンジニアリング作業は、些細なものでした。変更はわずか10分で完了しました。” ショートコードがシンプルに Twilioはショートコード特有の問題を解消しています。デバッグ作業に追われることなく発送作業に集中できます。
“The amount of engineering work it took to switch to the short code was trivial. It took us just ten minutes to make the change.” Karl SavinoCTO SHORT CODES SIMPLIFIED Short codes can have a lot of snags to get caught on. Twilio smooths out the rough edges so you can spend more ti...
Random short codes are just what you may think. When applying for a new code, you have no control over what the number will be. A random 5 or 6 digit text number is given to you. Most short code texting done today is with random codes as they are the cheapest of the two options....
What are SMS Short Codes? Get your sms short code for text message marketing today. We offer info on shortcode texting for sms marketing.
SIGNATURE_BLACKLIST 签名内容涉及违规信息 原因:签名内容涉及违规信息。 解决方案:重新修改签名内容。签名规范,请参见短信签名规范。 isv.SHORTURL_OVER_LIMIT 超过单自然日短链申请数量上限 原因:一天创建短链数量超过限制。 解决方案:合理预估一天申请短链数量,次日重新创建短链。
Short codes eliminate the need to type in a 10-digit phone number, also known as a long code, into the text messaging app. There's no comparison when it comes to the ease of using SMS short codes vs. long codes. The customer can quickly tap out five or six digits, press send, the...
Star Here are 438 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Most stars knadh/listmonk Star16.1k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions High performance, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard. Single binary app. ...
The list of the callbacks registered for an account can be found here: https://ui.truedialog.com/CallbacksIncoming Message ReceivedThe most important trigger. This operation triggers a flow whenever the end-user texts into the associated phone number....
SMSC: Short Message Service Center 短消息服务中心 负责在移动基站和SME之间中继、存储或转发短消息 PDUs: Protocol Data Units 协议数据单元 PDU Type: Protocol Data Unit Type 协议数据单元类型 MR: Message Reference 消息参考 OA: Originator Adress 发送方地址 ...
* Redis中存储Value(value可为string,map,list,set等),并设置过期时间 * * @param key * @param value * @param timeout * @param unit*/publicvoidputValueToRedisWithTimeout(Object key, Object value, finallongtimeout, final TimeUnit unit) {try{ ...