如果已报备SenderID,发送到越南的短信类型支持OTP、推广短信、短信通知。 为什么短信状态一直显示发送中,是发送失败了吗? 处于发送中是因为长时间未回执。建议核实号码状态,比如:空号、关机、停机、飞行模式或手机终端周围基站信号异常等。若手机端72小时内恢复正常,短信发送成功;若手机端持续异常,返回发送失败。
Now you have a chance to improve your brand awareness with the help of SMS text message allowing your client to return back by entering 11 characters in the Sender ID field. Eleven list characters are placed in the ID field. The whole identity of the program is developed with the idea of...
The information for all SenderIds in an AWS account.Contents DeletionProtectionEnabled By default this is set to false. When set to true the sender ID can't be deleted. Type: Boolean Required: Yes IsoCountryCode The two-character code, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for the country or...
新加坡信息通信媒体发展局("IMDA")于2023年01月31日实施了短信Sender ID全面注册制度(即SSIR),旨在保护您的客户免于接收冒充您的Sender ID给客户发送的欺诈短信。如需更多信息,请访问网页。 根据这项制度,如您需要使用带字母数字的Sender ID向新加坡移动号码发送短信,您必须先向SSIR完成Sender ID的注册。使用未注册...
默认情况下,当您向印度的收件人发送消息时, AWS 最终用户消息短信使用国际长途运营商 (ILDO) 路由来传输这些消息。当收件人看到通过 ILDO 连接发来的消息时,会发现消息似乎来自一个随机数字 ID(除非您购买专用短代码)。 在印度注册的公司也可以使用专门的发件人 IDs 来发送消息。如果您更愿意使用发件人 ID,则...
Once an SMS message is received, Message ID rapidly identifies the sender and important information in messages, notifying and displaying the different categories supported by Message ID like OTPs, Transaction details, Billing information, Delivery updates, and Travel itineraries, to you in an ...
而回复字母数字SMS发件人Id则是指用户通过回复短信的方式,与指定的发件人进行交互。 短信服务通常由云服务提供商提供,并且往往与其他云服务相互集成,以满足各种场景下的通信需求。对于中国地区用户来说,推荐使用腾讯云的短信服务(产品名称为"短信服务"),该服务提供了丰富的API接口和功能,支持国内外短信发送和接收,...
SMS Sender ID verificationWhether it is an alphanumeric sender or a shortcode, you have to undergo the Sender ID verification process regardless of the kind of Sender ID you are applying for. At Messente, for example, we take various steps to verify SMS sender IDs. The goal is to make ...
TeleSign Sender Id SenderId string Sender ID (Phone Number) purchased from TeleSign Returns Tabelle erweitern NamePathTypeDescription ReferenceId ReferenceId string ReferenceId Status Status string Status Status Code Status Code string Status Code Timestamp Timestamp string Timestamp Inhalt...
SenderId string Sender ID (Phone Number) purchased from TeleSign Returns Развернутьтаблицу NamePathTypeDescription ReferenceId ReferenceId string ReferenceId Status Status string Status Status Code Status Code string Status Code Timestamp Timestamp string Timestamp В...