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Location-Based Advertising or LBA is also a popular trend in SMS marketing. This is where particular offers or promotions can benefit app users in their locality or region. A report from SlickText suggests that 84% of marketers use location-based marketing in some way. And the same report sa...
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More about LBA Advertise to Specific Consumer Pools Market your business to the user base of Singapore’s largest Telecommunication companies and postal service. Connect your business directly to massive networks of subscribers from different industries.Filter to your target demographic by: ...
SMS EGYPT is a leading E-marketing and bulk sms service SMS Egypt , SMS Misr , BULK SMS , Mobile Advertising , LBA , API
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The installation of the demo data of module industry_fsm_sale module triggered the sending of an SMS. Now, the SMS API is unavailable during module installation. Forward-Port-Of: #197495 Forward-Po...
Bakr, Y., Tolba, A., Meshreki, H.: Drivers of SMS advertising acceptance: a mixed-methods approach. J. Res. Interact. Market. 13(1), 96–118 (2019) Article Google Scholar Barwise, P., Strong, C.: Permission - based mobile advertising. J. Interact. Market. 16(1), 14–24 (...