此消息用于发送小文件和丰富的内容,如铃声、图像和 WAP 推送消息。 6.DLR (交货报告) 发送报告显示当前运行的 SMS 活动的当前状态。SMS 中心通过消息通知您 SMS 已发送至您的预期接收者。 7.CPaaS _ CPaaS(Communications Platform as a Service)是一个基于云的平台,使开发人员能够将语音、视频和 SMS 消息等实...
用户可以使用Appointment over SMS来选择一个Appointment,并将该Appointment通过SMS发送给相关联系人。该应用...
Marketing campaigns with our powerful onlineDLRtools. Based on extensive SMS delivery reports in real time. Personalization Ability to personalize your messages. By including the recipient's name or other information, you can create a more personalized and engaging experience, which can help to increa...
SMS2003(System Management Server2003)是微软公司推出的基于ITIL(IT Infrastructure Library,IT基础架构)的...
通信事業者によって生成されたイベントまたは配信レシート (DLR) の受信には最大 72 時間かかる場合があり、アウトバウンドメッセージ配信に遅延があるかどうかを判断するために使用しないでください。72 時間後、 AWS エンドユーザーメッセージング SMS がキャリアから最終イ...
Send bulk text messages, keep track your SMS marketing campaigns with our powerful online DLR tools. Based on extensive SMS delivery reports in real time. ENHANCED LOYALTY Engage your customers, Send info about your promotions and get up to 70% customer response rate. Use our bulk SMS service...
Send bulk text messages, keep track your SMS marketing campaigns with our powerful online DLR tools. Based on extensive SMS delivery reports in real time. ENHANCED LOYALTY Engage your customers, Send info about your promotions and get up to 70% customer response rate. Use our bulk SMS service...
Send bulk text messages, keep track your SMS marketing campaigns with our powerful online DLR tools. Based on extensive SMS delivery reports in real time. ENHANCED LOYALTY Engage your customers, Send info about your promotions and get up to 70% customer response rate. Use our bulk SMS service...
Support masking in all Operator Single, Bulk & Group SMS Facility GSM, Extended GSM & Unicode FREE SMS API & Dashboard Real-time delivery reports with DLR Bulk SMS from Excel & Phonebook Support Dynamic & Long SMS View Pack & Buy Now ...