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SmsReceiver interface參考 意見反應 套件: @azure/arm-monitor SMS 接收者。屬性展開資料表 countryCode SMS 接收者的國家/地區代碼。 name SMS 接收者的名稱。 名稱在動作群組內的所有接收者中都必須是唯一的。 phoneNumber SMS 接收者的電話號碼。 status 接收者的狀態。注意:此屬性不會序列化。 它只能由伺服...
obtain the number with one clickreceiver certification code Wide selections of services can receive App registration vertification code API access fully automatic reception of mobile phones certification code Direct docking operator fully automatic reception of mobile phones certification code ...
6.Sellaite SMS Receiver 网站连接: 看起来非常阳春、好像上个时代的网页设计风格,不过别担心,Sellaite SMS Receiver确实是可以使用的,这个服务提供三个爱沙尼亚(Estonia)手机号码,不用注册、登入就能接收短信,也可在网页中正常显示中文,但不提供付费传送短信项目。
err_code String DELIVERED 错误码。 phone_number String 159***6532 短信接收号码。 sms_size String 1 短信长度。短信内容长度计算规则,请参见短信发送规则。 biz_id String 12345 发送回执ID,即发送流水号。 调用发送接口SendSms或SendBatchSms发送短信时,返回值中的BizId字段。若批量发送短信时会有同一个BizId...
err_code String DELIVERED 错误码。 phone_number String 159***6532 短信接收号码。 sms_size String 1 短信长度。短信内容长度计算规则,请参见短信发送规则。 biz_id String 12345 发送回执ID,即发送流水号。 调用发送接口SendSms或SendBatchSms发送短信时,返回值中的BizId字段。若批量发送短信时会有同一个BizId...
countryCode The country code of the SMS receiver. name The name of the SMS receiver. Names must be unique across all receivers within an action group. phoneNumber The phone number of the SMS receiver. status The status of the receiver. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can ...
SMS Verification Code Receiver 锐杰 许 Designed for iPad Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description A tool application for receiving temporary verification codes, online mailing letters, and online scanning code pickup, which greatly protects your privacy and security. Temporary ver...