Related Corporation has the same meaning as “related body corporate” in the Securities Act of (1933) and the Securities and Exchange Act (1934). Services has the meaning given to that term in clause 2.2. Short Code means a 5 or 6 digit number that represents the originating or terminating...
Body data.messages.body string Body Country string Country Custom String data.messages.custom_string string Custom String Message Parts data.messages.message_parts integer Message Parts Message Price data.messages.message_price string Message Price Media File Url data.messages...
Related Corporationhas the same meaning as “related body corporate” in theCorporations Act 2001(Cth). Serviceshas the meaning given to that term in clause 2.2. SMSGlobal Creditmeans an amount, represented in units of an Acceptable Currency, that may be used as consideration for Services provide...
必要に応じてメッセージを Unicode に変換します 送信元 from string 送信元 送信先 to True string 送信先 body body True string body longMessageMaxParts longMessageMaxParts True integer longMessageMaxParts この記事の内容 接続を作成する 調整制限 アクション 日本...
AAA School of Advertising is a private higher education institution, owned by the advertising industry's professional body, the Association for Communication and Advertising (ACA). It is an internationally accredited, multi award winning school with an awesome track record that is specialised for the...
Body data.messages.body string Body Country string Country Custom String data.messages.custom_string string Custom String Message Parts data.messages.message_parts integer Message Parts Message Price data.messages.message_price string Message Price Media File Url data.messages...
body True string 160 文字で 1 SMS です。 最大 1,224 標準文字まで送信できます。 カスタム文字列 custom_string string これは自分用の参照情報です。 すべてのレポートに表示され、返信とともに返されます。 戻り値 テーブルを展開する 名前パス型説明 HTTP コード http_code integer...
MessageBody of the SMS MessageData True string MessageBody of the SMS. Originator of the SMS Originator True string Originator of the SMS. Originator can be either numeric or alphanumeric (11 chars). Validityperiod in minutes LifeTime integer Validityperiod in minutes. If empty, SMS will be...
MessageBody of the SMS MessageData True string MessageBody of the SMS. Originator of the SMS Originator True string Originator of the SMS. Originator can be either numeric or alphanumeric (11 chars). Validityperiod in minutes LifeTime integer Validityperiod in minutes. If empty, SMS will be...
MessageBody of the SMS MessageData True string MessageBody of the SMS. Originator of the SMS Originator True string Originator of the SMS. Originator can be either numeric or alphanumeric (11 chars). Validityperiod in minutes LifeTime integer Validityperiod in minutes. If empty, SMS will be...