This API is used to send SMSs with the same content to one or more mobile numbers.You have created an SMS application and obtained Application Key, Application Secret, Ap
You can also create SMS messages with the Windows CE Mail API (CEMAPI). If you do, the message contents is contained in the CEMAPI messaging property tag PR_SUBJECT.Note This means that you cannot access the message content with the PR_BODY property tag — you must use the PR_SUBJECT ...
需在config.json 中配置 cloudbase.sendSms API 的权限,详情请求参数属性类型默认值必填说明 env string 是 环境ID phoneNumberList Array.<string> 是 手机号列表,单次请求最多支持 1000 个境内手机号,手机号必须以+86开头 smsType string Marketing 是 短信类型,营销类短信:Marketing;通知类短信:Notification conte...
消息&短信 (Message&SMS)是华为云携手全球多家优质运营商和渠道,为企业用户提供的通信服务。企业调用API或使用群发助手,即可使用验证码、通知短信服务。在华为云Astro轻应用中,通过应用与消息&短信 (Message&SMS)对接,可实现短信发送功能。例如,使用Message&SMS给
importhttp.clientimportmimetypes conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") payload ='sender=SenderName&mobile=+14155550101&content=Hello'headers = {'Authorization':'Bearer Your_API_Key'} conn.request("POST","/v2/message", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = res....
查询发送出去的短信的api 出现错误 "error":{"code":-32700,"message":"Parse error"} 可能是当前代码有错误的问题,直接使用下面代码进行查询 1 2 curl -H"Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"-b ./cookie.txt -X POST --data '{"id":7,"execute":1,"core":"yruo_sms","function":...
SUBMAIL 提供多达9种语言的开发包,SDK 集成了 SUBMAIL 的API请求方法,并将API中的参数进行封装,开发者仅需下载对应语言的开发包即可快速配置短信服务。 二、创建APPID SUBMAIL的API请求需要应用ID和密钥用于 API 身份鉴权,创建应用的步骤如下: 1.前往-》创建/管理APPID-》创建APPID-》在弹出框中输入APPID名称,即完...
发送短信为计费接口,国内短信按照运营商回执状态计费,调用 SendBatchSms 提交成功但运营商回执失败的短信不计费,计费详情请参见计费概述。 QPS 限制 本接口的单用户 QPS 限制为 5000/秒。超过限制,API 调用将会被限流,请合理使用。 调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后...
See how our SMS API helps businesses like yours succeed. MMS AND RCS MESSAGING Upgrade plain SMS with richer multimedia Send audio, video, graphics, emojis, and GIFs Enjoy longer messages without strict character limits Engage your audience with visuals to get attention and stand out from the cr...
echo "Error message: $result[1]"; die; } else { echo "Message ID: $result[1]; Status: $result[0]"; }?> Top Python script example: import urllibimport urllib.parseimport urllib.requestimport sslurl = ""hdr = { 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 ...