After you restart the SCCM client on a computer, you can monitor the client restart process usingccmexec.log. The ccmexec.log records the activities of the client and the SMS Agent Host service. This log file is located inC:\Windows\CCM\Logson the client computer. The below log snippet sho...
Накомпютърклиентна System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Service Pack 2 (ConfigMgr 2007 SP2), накойтосеизпълнява Windows Server 2008 или Windows Server 2012, услугатазахостван...
Op een clientcomputer met System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Service Pack 2 (ConfigMgr 2007 SP2) waarop Windows Server 2008 of Windows Server 2012 wordt uitgevoerd, loopt de System Management Server (Sms) Agent Host-service (Ccm...
SMS Agent Host是SMS Client的主服务。 SMS_SERVER_LOCATOR_POINT是SLP对应的服务,是SMS系统中的一个角色。它在客户端登录的时候,为Legacy Client提供CAP的定位,为Advanced Client提供MP的定位。 4、是不是安装SMS就会有这两个服务 SMS Agent Host是SMS Client的主服务,所以在Site Server和安装了SMS client的机器...
Stopping the SMS Agent Host ceases the CPU utilisation. I've followed the steps in the above thread, and also followed the steps in VMware KB 1189 (
2006/1/25 9:16:35 PMCCMDoCertificateMaintenance() 引发CCM_ServiceHost_CertificateOperationsFailure状态事件。 2006/1/25 9:16:35 PMLoading 服务设置。 2006/1/25 9:16:35 PMFailed 打开 WMI 命名空间“\\.\root\ccm\Policy\Machine”(8004100a) ...
2006/1/25 9:16:35 PMCCMDoCertificateMaintenance() 引发CCM_ServiceHost_CertificateOperationsFailure状态事件。 2006/1/25 9:16:35 PMLoading 服务设置。 2006/1/25 9:16:35 PMFailed 打开 WMI 命名空间“\\.\root\ccm\Policy\Machine”(8004100a) ...
本文提供因應措施,以解決 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 服務暫停並重新啟動後,SMS 代理程式主機服務 (CcmExec.exe) 不會自動重新啟動的問題。 原始產品版本: Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager 原始KB 編號: 2691080 徵兆 在Configuration Manager 中暫停 WMI 服務時,SMS ...
This API is automatically called by the Agent to report the basic information about the source server to SMS. After the source server is registered successfully, you can