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Swiss Re Centre of Competence for Renewable Energy, Offshore Wind Lubomír Lízal Czech Technical University and The University of Finance and Administration associate professor Laban Coblentz ITER Organization Head of Communication Christine LAMOUROUX-LUCAS Veolia Nuclear Solutions Chief Executive Officer Dr...
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Swiss Pfandbriefe...224.3. Participant Reference Data ...224.3
and kept the entire song on track without running over it completely. The timing and the syncing of the two guitarists is so spot on that there is no gap during the breaks. Everything is running like a Swiss watch and exceptionally well balanced. The Paradox Pulse Guard R delivers all th...
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aThe Verampio and Leventina units are the deepest units of the Alpine nappe stack, exposed in the Toce and Ticino dome structures (Figs. 2, 3; Table 1). The deep seismic study (Swiss National Foundation Project no. 20, Steck et al. 1997; Steck 2008) confirmed the thrust sheet geometry...