PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To recover hardware, in advance, for an obstacle occurring in the cache of an SMP (symmetric parallel) computer system. SOLUTION: A cache line or a set, having defects, is deleted using array built-in self-test logic, together with the codes and hardware, a ...
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行风险预警等缺点.基于BDS (BeiDou Navigation (3)北斗接收板模块:采用射频和基带一体化 Satellite System)采用载波相位差分定位技术开发的 的SOC 芯片型导航高精度卫星信号处理模块(司南 变形监测系统(BDS 变形监测系统)具有全天候运 导航K706 板卡),负责接收,处理北斗卫星监测 行,数据采集频率高,自动化程度高,布测...
1.2 温盐数据 采用多种海洋温盐数据集估算比容海平面变化, 包括 CORA(coriolisoceandatasetforreanalysis)[17], SODA(simpleocean dataassimilation)[18],ORAS4 (oceanreanalysissystem4)[19],WOA09(worldocean atlas2009)[20],WOA18(worldoceanatlas2018)[21]与 Ishii海洋温盐数据集[22].比容海平面变化主要受海...
武汉大学中国南极测绘研 究中心,湖北 武汉 430079 Wuhan University DeepGspace Orbit Determination and Gravity Recovery System(WUDOGS)andItsApplicationAnalysis YEMao1,LIFei1,2,YANJianguo1,HAO Weifeng2,YANGXuan1,JIN Weitong1,QUChunkai2 1.StateKeyLaboratoryofInformationEngineeringinSurveying,MappingandRemote...
The paper describes the structure and functions of the SKS monitoring-control station which complements a set of underground equipment operating within the SMP-NT monitoring system of mine environmental parameters. There are presented the principles of including the SKS system to the SMP-NT and ...
GPS 反射测量是由欧空局 (ESA)Martin Neira[1]于1993年首次提出来,即 GPS地表反射信 号和直射信号一起被接收机接收,它们之间延迟可 以用 于干涉测量,即 PARIS(passivereflectometry andinterferometrysystem).1994 年,法国科学 家通过进行飞行试验发现接收机可以接收到海面 反射信号 ,但由于其对定位精度的影响 ,...
Keywords:GFG3satellite;systemdesign;SAR 摘要:高分三号(GFG3)卫星作为我国首颗自主研制的 C 频段多极化 SAR卫星,突破了多项关键技术. 卫星在明确 SAR载荷的体制和基本 配置的基础上,围绕 SAR 载荷的需求开展卫星平台适应能力的分析以及载荷与平台之间的匹配性研究 ,形成了一系列卫星特点和技术创新点 ,主要技术...