This study was meant to reaveal the teaching reading comprehension and writingskill through scaffolded reading experience strategy of the eight grade students ofSMP Negeri 53 Palembang, including to find whether or not (1) there was significant differences in students' reading comprehension achievements...
IMPROVING READING COMPREHENSION AND SPEAKING ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE EIGHTH GRADERS OF SMP NEGERI 18 PALEMBANG THROUGH SHARED READING STRATEGYThis study aimedat investigatingwhether or not the use of Shared Reading Strategy was effective to improve the students' reading comprehension and speaking achievements. ...
This study entitled Relationship of agility with basketball dribbling skills at students of Junior hight school 43 Palembang state, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of agility with basketball dribbling skills at students of Junior hight school 43 Palembang state. The method...
doi:10.29300/LING.V1I1.117Erna Novalinda
doi:10.36767/D.V2I1.777Yuyun HendretyHeru SetiawanShelvi Carmelya