The research results show that Islamic Religious Education teachers play a substantial role in motivating students at SMP Negeri 194 Jakarta. Interactive methods and learning strategies that correlate religion and everyday life are the teacher's efforts to stimulate interest in le...
SEO综合查询全面分析网址SEO优化情况包括网站收录、权重、关键词排名、友情链接、网站备案等指标。 权重查询 权重综合查询是爱站网综合各大搜索引擎排名、网站权重,提供网站全面的SEO排名、权重、网站收录、预计来路IP、子域名权重排行等综合数据分析。 域名/IP查询 爱站网ICP备案查询功能提供给用户查询网站、APP、小程序...
Since the F is bigger than Ftable 39.24 > 4.02, so that it concluded regression is significant.The examination of hypothesis is conduct through correlation product moment formula and based on the calculation r amounted 0.635 and rtabel amounted 0.254 in significan...
This suggests the existence of a positive relationship between the variables with Emotional Quotients and PKn Learning Outcomes students'. Keywords: emotional Quotients, learning outcomes CivicsDwi Amaliyatul MahmudahEtin Solihatindan NadirohProgram Studi PPKN FIS UNJ...
SEO综合查询全面分析网址SEO优化情况包括网站收录、权重、关键词排名、友情链接、网站备案等指标。 权重查询 权重综合查询是爱站网综合各大搜索引擎排名、网站权重,提供网站全面的SEO排名、权重、网站收录、预计来路IP、子域名权重排行等综合数据分析。 域名/IP查询 爱站网ICP备案查询功能提供给用户查询网站、APP、小程序...