The CSS property scroll-behavior: smooth seems not working. The expected effect is that when clicking some buttom or some anchor link, the page scrolls to a certain element smoothly. Now qutebrowser will directly jump to there. The javascript function element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' ...
The smooth scroll behaviour doesn't take affect for scrollIntoView in chrome 52 for some reason. The behaviour is fine for scrollBy and other functions though. Tested on
全局css中也建议添加 html, body { scroll-behavior:smooth; } 在html里添加scroll-behavior属性,代表一个滚动框指定滚动行为。 该属性有两个值,auto:立即滚动;smooth:平稳丝滑的滚动。默认为auto。 html{ scroll-behavior:smooth } IE可能不兼容!!
I had added scroll-behavior: smooth to the CSS for native CSS support, but that is not supported in Safari (desktop or mobile). With all plugins except GP Premium disabled (and CSS scroll-behavior: smooth also disabled), the GP smooth scrolling is still not working for me in any browser...
css 平滑滚动 scroll-behavior: smooth 简介: 凡是需要滚动的地方都加一句scroll-behavior:smooth 来提升滚动体验! 经常使用的锚点定位功能就有了平滑定位功能,如 返回顶部 全局css中也建议添加 html, body { scroll-behavior:smooth; } 完整范例代码和效果 <...
其中,scroll-behavior属性定义了滚动行为,设置为smooth时就可以实现平滑滚动效果。 移动端滚动 在移动端,我们可以使用touch事件来实现滑动操作,但是如果使用overflow属性,会出现滑动不顺畅的问题。此时,可以加上以下CSS属性来解决: /* 允许元素滚动 */ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; /* 禁止元素选择 */ user-se...
凡是需要滚动的地方都加一句scroll-behavior:smooth 来提升滚动体验! 经常使用的锚点定位功能就有了平滑定位功能,如 返回顶部 1. 全局css中也建议添加 html,body{scroll-behavior:smooth; } 1. 完整范例代码和效果 <template> 1 2 3
css平滑滚动 scroll-behavior: smooth; html <!DOCTYPEhtml> 锚点平滑跳转 *{ margin:0; padding:0; } html{ scroll-behavior:smooth; } nav{ width:50%; height:50px; text-align:center; position:fixed; left:50%; transform:translateX(-50...
Adding a smooth scroll in CSS to your website can be implemented using the scroll-behavior property that streamlines the entire process.In this blog, we will look at the scroll-behavior property, which can be used to add a smooth scroll in CSS. We’ll look at how it can improve the ...