Smooth muscle (SM) tissue is a complex organization of multiple cell types and is regulated by numerous signaling molecules (neurotransmitters, hormones, cytokines, etc.). SM contractile function can be regulated via expression and distribution of the contractile and cytoskeletal proteins, and ...
Although the developmental origins of lymphatic smooth muscle are not well studied, the unique physiology of their contractile activity argues for the function of tissue-specific gene products, similar to the lymphatic endothelial cell-specific molecules described previously (15). Sign in to download ...
平滑肌细胞培养基/Smooth Muscle Cell Medium 平滑肌细胞培养基: 平滑肌细胞培养基是专门为正常人类平滑肌细胞体外培养设计的最适于其生长的培养基。是经灭菌的液体培养基,包含必需和非必需氨基酸、维生素、有机和无机化合物、激素、生长因子、微量矿物质和低浓度胎牛血清(2%)。该培养基缓冲体系为重碳酸盐,在含5%CO2的...
smooth muscle n. Muscle tissue that contracts without conscious control, having the form of thin layers or sheets made up of spindle-shaped, unstriated cells with single nuclei and found in the walls of the internal organs, such as the stomach, intestine, bladder, and blood vessels, excluding...
The structure, function, regulation of contraction, and excitation–contraction coupling are different characteristics that distinguish smooth muscle from skeletal and cardiac muscles. However, smooth muscle tissue tends to show greater elasticity with a larger length-tension curve than striated muscles. ...
development. The development of vascular smooth muscle cells is a crucial target for vascular tissue engineering and therapeutic revascularization.[5] Organ Systems Involved Smooth muscle is present in all of the organ systems below: Gastrointestinal tract...
摘要: 10.5772/48566 ...
Minimally invasive saphenous vein harvesting: effects on endothelial and smooth muscle function Background. The long saphenous vein remains the commonest conduit used in coronary artery bypass grafting procedures. Surgical trauma during vein harvestin... Edward,A.,Black,... - 《Annals of Thoracic Su...
Muscle Tissue Lesson for Kids Muscles & Muscle Tissue Visual Worksheet Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Definition & Functions Smooth Muscle: Structure & Functions Muscles: Fibers, Movement & Coupling Muscle Cell Function & Structure | Importance of a Muscle Cell Muscle Fiber: Structures, Contraction & Relaxation...
Panitch HB, Deoras KS, Wolfson MR et al. Maturational changes in airway smooth muscle structure-function relation- ships. Pediatr Res 1992; 31: 151-156.Panitch HB, Deoras KS, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH. Maturational changes in airway smooth muscle structure-function relationships. Pediatr Res ...