smooth muscle n. Muscle tissue that contracts without conscious control, having the form of thin layers or sheets made up of spindle-shaped, unstriated cells with single nuclei and found in the walls of the internal organs, such as the stomach, intestine, bladder, and blood vessels, excluding...
smooth muscle Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 例子: smooth muscle (anatomy)— 平滑肌 也可见: smooth— 滑 · 抿 · 光滑 · 畅 · 光光 · 平整 · 平顺 · 通顺 ·
smooth muscle n. Muscle tissue that contracts without conscious control, having the form of thin layers or sheets made up of spindle-shaped, unstriated cells with single nuclei and found in the walls of the internal organs, such as the stomach, intestine, bladder, and blood vessels, excluding...
SMOOTH musclePHYSIOLOGYMAMMARY glandsCONNECTIVE tissuesSEXUAL excitementThe center of the breast integument is characterized by the roundish, glabrous (hairless) musculocutaneous specialization, nipple-areola complex, enriched with the integumentary class of smooth muscle tissue, which bundles are intimat...
Smooth MuscleAlso found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Wikipedia. Related to Smooth Muscle: smooth muscle antibodysmooth muscle[′smüth′məs·əl] (anatomy) The involuntary muscle tissue found in the walls of viscera and blood vessels, consisting of smooth muscle fibers. ...
30,31 Other markers suggest that women with prolapse have less smooth muscle contractility and force maintenance.32 View chapter Chapter Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, and Immunohistochemistry of Human Skin Skin Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Book2016, Skin Tissue Engineering and Regenerative...
Resident Smooth Muscle Progenitor Cells in the Vessel Wall Like most tissues, blood vessels activate intrinsic pathways for tissue repair when damaged or diseased. This capacity for repair is substantial and involves all three layers of the vessel wall. For example, when injured by balloon catheter...
Non-adrenergic prostate smooth muscle contractions may account for the limited effectiveness of α1-adrenoceptor antagonists, which are the first-line option for medical treatment of voiding symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia. In non-human prostates, purinergic agonists induce contractions ...
Chamley-Campbell JH, Campbell GR, McConnell JD et al. (1977) Comparison of vascular smooth muscle cells from adult human, monkey and rabbit in primary culture and in subculture. Cell Tissue Res 177:503–522 Google Scholar Chamley-Campbell JH, Campbell GR, Ross R (1979) The smooth muscle ...
Acheson, G.H .: The topographical anatomy of the smooth muscle of the cat’s nictitatingmembrane. Anat. Rec. 71, 297–311 (1938).Acheson GH (1938) The topographical anatomy of the smooth muscle of the cat's nictitating membrane. Anat. Rec. 71, 297 - 311....