Smooth muscle contains interdigitating thick and thin filaments, but their order is not nearly as precise as exists in striated muscle, giving rise to a ‘smooth’ versus striated appearance in the light microscope. The difference in microscopic appearance between smooth muscle and skeletal muscle ...
At a cellular level, smooth muscle functions as an involuntary non-striated muscle. Smooth muscle contains thick and thin filaments that do not arrange into sarcomeres, resulting in a non-striated pattern. On microscopic examination, it appears homogenous. Smooth muscle cytoplasm contains large amount...
A vascular smooth muscle has several receptors that allow it to respond to signals from the sympathetic nervous system or to sympathetic stimuli. These receptors are alpha-1, alpha-2, and beta-2 receptors. When the neurotransmitter norepinephrine binds to the alpha-1 receptors, contraction of the...
Artery wall has been often assumed to be homogenous in conventional mechanical analyses from macroscopic viewpoint. At a microscopic level, however, it is highly heterogeneous, and conventional mechanical analyses using homogeneous models are far from satisfactory to estimate the mechanical environment of...
The researchers subsequently determined that the absence of Prmt1 causes muscle cells to switch to a type associated with damage repair and synthesis, which is ill-suited to routine heart function. Similar switching has been seen in various heart disorders, and treatments that boost Prmt1 activity...
Uehara Y, Suyama K: Visualization of the adventitial aspect of the vascular smooth muscle cells under the scanning electron microscope. J Electron Microsc 27: 157 - 159, 1978. Murakami M, Sugita A, Shimada T, Nakamura K: Surface view of pericytes on the retinal capillary in rabbits revealed...
Microscopic study showed a disrupted arrangement and decreased amount of smooth muscle. These results suggest that both endothelial and smooth muscle function is impaired in vein segments removed from patients with primary varicosity. Similar functional, biochemical, and structural changes were seen not ...
Muscle - Skeletal, Cardiac, Smooth: In terms of its microscopic structure, the musculature of vertebrates is usually divided into three types: striated, cardiac, and smooth muscle. Smooth and cardiac muscle are under the control of the involuntary, or au
To view a copy of this license, visit Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Kubota, T., Kubota, N., Sato, H. et al. Pioglitazone Ameliorates Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation in Cuff-Induced Neointimal Formation by Both ...
In the models of chronic hypertension such as the spontaneously hypertensive rat, changes in smooth muscle content are due to hypertrophy of pre-existing smooth muscle cells within the media of the blood vessel with little or no cellular proliferation19,20. According to the view that the net ...