慢即是稳,稳即是快! 海豹突击队格言“SLOW IS SMOOTH,SMOOTH IS FAST”,时刻激励我们,不要过于追求速度,而是追求平稳,不要在意飞多高,而要在意飞多远。雷美诺时XS.3581.SIS#雷美诺时 #男表推荐 #手表推 - 雷美诺时LUMI NOX斑斓专卖店于20241011发布在抖音,已经收获
slow is smooth, smooth is fast 炒股第一步,先开个股票账户 "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast",这是一句出自美军海豹突击队的格言,译成中文可以理解为“慢即稳,稳即快”,这句话是在说,往往不假思索迅速做出反应的人会犯错误。我们也可以称其为“慢则顺,顺则稳”,或某种意义上,你也可以把它理解为“欲...
王兴:Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. 慢就是稳(其实就是安全前行),稳就是快。所以阿段的慢就是快,慢意思其实是稳,稳就是快。
Slow Is Smooth And Smooth Is Fast (Podcast Episode 2024) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
作者: slow is smooth, smooth is fast。 慢就是稳,稳就是快”, 结论:稳+慢=快
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast: How Slowing Down Can Make Us Better ResearchersKatharine Hanson
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海豹突击队大师级3800系列,300米深度潜水,8年电池续航,超清抗反射蓝宝石镜面。复合碳纤维表壳,金属质感,轻便耐用,硬度和耐磨防刮比金属强多倍。#战术手表 luminox雷美诺时大连 486 0 雷美诺时3157三眼计时码表,黑白熊猫系列,cut to fit 快拆表带,蓝宝石镜面,200米防水,旋入式表冠,背刻五角星since 1989精钢背...
So applying the equality principle above to our “Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast” training aid, the detractors claim that the concept is “Slow = Smooth, and Smooth = Fast, therefore Slow=Fast”. Of course slow=fast is ridiculous! And that is where the naysayers stop. So if they’...
Smooth is slow,slow is fast.#力量举入门 #卧推被压如何逃杠 #卧推 #毫无训练痕迹 #日常训练 - 维维安VVA于20240407发布在抖音,已经收获了79.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!