I am 54 years old and have been smoking weed for 33 years. I’ve never once been late in getting my kids to school or missed a single event of theirs, and my kids are now 18 and 15. I even drive better and safer when I’m high. I value my brain and my body, ...
While the researchhasgone both ways about weed's effect on sperm, health experts do not generally recommend using marijuana. In addition to potential fertility concerns, the CDC lists the following possible negative health effects of marijuana:11 Addiction Negative impact on brain health (specifically...
You can’t just rely on a sobriety tracker to help you quit. What are you going to do about the withdrawal effects that accompany quitting weed cold turkey, just bite your fingernails and suffer the consequences? Calling a friend or joining to a support group is not going help you ease ...
Once the Triggers are “Unplugged”, we can then help you withLimiting the “Separation Anxiety”associated with stopping the daily ritual that’s been left behind. This approach also works for stopping other smoking habits like weed, vaping, etc., if that’s what you’re after. ...
Marijuan a is not goo d for your body or your brain. I'm not trying to tell you not to smoke,I'm just letting you know that marijuan a can b e 18 t to your health, an d in th e long term it may caus e som e long term negative(负面的)effects. Help your?sel f n...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook tobacco (redirected fromSmoking blends) Thesaurus Medical Legal Encyclopedia to·bac·co (tə-băk′ō) n.pl.to·bac·cosorto·bac·coes 1. a.The tropical American plantNicotiana tabacumof the nightshade family, widely cultivated for its leaves, which are use...
Everyone is always saying how weed 16 your mind and how it solves prob-lems. I think it only brings more 17. Marijuan a is not good for your body or your brain. I'm not trying to tell you not to smoke, I 'm just letting you know that marijuan a can be 18to your health, and...
With marijuana becoming legal in more states, research of its effects on the body will become more prevalent. But in the meantime, we have to go with what we know: Weed can cause cotton vagina, and lube is our friend. Cotton vagina is no sex myth, but these hilarious things are:...
THC (now decarboxylated from the natural THCA) enters the blood stream through the lungs and is rapidly transported to the brain – Effects should be felt anywhere from thirty seconds to two minutes after inhaling. When smoking weed, expect a quick onset and a “head rush”, IE: a sense ...
hallucinogen effects of pure THC are much more powerfull than people think. And marijuana has THC plus a lot of other cannabinoids. Many people smoke high grade and think that the bud is laced. It can be but in most cases it´s not. (i´m not telling that laced weed doen´t ...