Search M: 07956971305 -Email Us Smoking Pack Years
I quit 10 years ago, but then again, I was never really a serious smoker. D: Johnny here was a three-pack-a-day man! K: You smoked three packs a day! That's some hard-core smoking! So...It must have been very difficult to quit. J: Well, I've only been smoke-free for 11...
Calculate-smoking-history-in-pack-years网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 Calculate-smoking-history-in-pack-years 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Calculate smoking history in pack years. 年计算吸烟史。 www.medicaleng.com隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft...
aThe radiologic and histopathologic patterns may be influenced by cigarette smoking. Biederer et al30 reported a trend toward a higher number of pack-years of smoking in those with pure reticular opacity vs those with predominant ground-glass opacity on HRCT scans, suggesting that smoking could be...
afriend is a person who can let you feel warm.So I have many friends.The wearing orange clothes boy is my best friend. can be called a brother.His name is Xu Fukang.He is as old as me.He shorter than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We a few years they were good friends, unt...
D:Johnnyherehasbeentryingtoquitcigarettesforyears! J:AndtodayI'malmost2weeksintomyprogram! K:Wow,congratulations!Iquit10yearsago,butthenagain,Iwasneverreallyaserioussmoker. D:Johnnyherewasathree-pack-a-dayman! K:Yousmokedthreepacksaday??!That'ssomehard-coresmoking!So...Itmusthavebeenverydifficultto...
- He has been smoking for years and it's difficult for him to quit. (他吸烟已经多年了,戒烟对他来说很困难。)5. 影响范围区别:- "smoke"的范围更广,可以用于各种烟雾或烟的情境。- "smoking"相对更专注于吸烟这一行为或习惯的描述。例句:- The smoke from the factory pollutes the ...
athis agreement shall have a term at a maximum of 4 years after contract was signed, subject to such earlier expiry thereof which shall be deemed to have occurred upon completion of the services by Party B in strict compliance with this Agreement to the satisfaction of Party A as evidenced ...
shestartedstudyingenglishthreeyearsago 第二题答案是a 第二个b shebeganhisstudy 你看这个his已经做了 起码这个his要改成her 因为前面的主语she是女的 而且herstudy后头又放了english这个名词 所以造成了双重的什么东西呢 宾语 这是不对的 除非把english去掉 就变成shebeganherstudy 她开始它的...
Smoking and age related macular degeneration: the number of pack years of cigarette smoking is a major determinant of risk for both geographic atrophy and ... Smoking and age related macular degeneration: the number of pack years of cigarette smoking is a major determinant of risk for both ...