None of the writeups from the 9 currently smoking patients detailed an assessment of the patient's addiction, willingness to quit, or included smoking cessation in the therapeutic plan. We concluded that students' smoking assessment and cessation skills are not well developed and that there is ...
Cross-sectional lung function data of 51 ex-smokers (mean, 8 +/- 7 yr since smoking cessation) were compared with those of 54 nonsmokers and 105 current smokers. All subjects were steel workers 45 to 55 yr of age. In order to assess whether lung function indexes improve after smoking ce...
Making preparatory plans to quit smoking is important because it also predicts plan enactment, which is predictive of smoking cessation. Not all action plans were found to be predictive of smoking cessation. The effects of planning were not very much different between the total sample and smokers ...
Despite the consensus on the importance of addressing tobacco use in the oncologic setting,6,7many cancer centers8and oncology practices have not fully implemented recommended tobacco assessment and evidence-based treatment practices,6-10including the relatively straightforward Public Health Service guidelines...
Smoking CessationNurses are in a strategic position to influence their patients to stop smoking, but factors affecting their likelihood of assessing and counseling are unknown. The purpose of this cross-sectional survey study was to identify predictors of tobacco use assessment and smoking cessation ...
The last subindex, Referral to smoking cessation resources (Cronbach alpha=.71; 4 items) included items such as “Refer to recommended treatment.” App Usability Assessment As recommended by usability design experts [21], each app was assessed for usability by 3-5 users. In formative usability ...
Furthermore, the literature is lacking in program, practice, and theory development as well as in the planning, execution, and evaluation of programs targeting cigar smoking cessation. A clear need exists to promote early prevention of cigar smoking, and to incorporate cigar smoking cessation into ...
Smoking and smoking cessation in relation to mortality in women. JAMA. 2008;299(17):2037-2047.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref See More About Tobacco and e-Cigarettes Global Health Trending ADHD Symptoms and Later E-Cigarette and Tobacco Use in US Youths JAMA Network Open Research February 11, ...
Imputed Cigarette Smoking Cessation Outcomes, by Follow-up Time Point Supplement 3. Data Sharing Statement 1. GBD 2015 Risk Factors Collaborators. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990...
Cotinine, the primary metabolite of nicotine21, is considered the “gold standard” for the assessment of smoking status, including verification of smoking cessation22. Serum cotinine was assessed at BL, EOT, and 12M using an established protocol of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry by Sali...