Success stories include legislation and compliance in Ireland and Italy. The efforts of several countries are outlined. Acceptance by the public is gaining as opinions on smoking and second hand smoke change.SpinneyLauraEBSCO_bspLancetSpinney L: Public smoking bans show signs of success in Europe. ...
Medical Encyclopedia passive smoking n (Brewing) the inhalation of smoke from other people's cigarettes by a nonsmoker passive smokern Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014...
(CBCTs), gave the Comptroller's version of the historyand statutory The Utah statute spe- cifically included a legislative finding [t]hat the establishmentand Congress in 1975 for its attempts to enact temporary EFTS legislation,46 ... WR Weber - 《Cath.u.l.rev》 被引量: 0发表: 1976年...
While alcohol prevalence is very high among college students, enacting smoke-free legislation was not associated with alcohol use. 展开 关键词: Smoke free legislation College students Cigarette smoking Alcohol use DOI: 10.1007/s10900-010-9220-2 ...
Erazo M, Iglesias V, Droppelmann A, Acuna M, Peruga A, Breysse PN, Navas-Acien A: Secondhand tobacco smoke in bars and restaurants in Santiago, Chile: evaluation of partial smoking ban legislation in public places. Tob Control. 2010, 19 (6): 469-474. 10.1136/tc.2009.035402. Article...
Revision of the regulation will be completed by the end of this year. By then, it will become a state law to ban smoking in public places, said Xu Guihua, deputy chairman and secretary-general of the China Anti-Smoking Association.
Smoking Ban Legislation In New Jersey: Should Casinos Be Immune from Smoke council on a controversial bill that would ban smoking in bars, restaurants and other workplaces. 27, 2004, at 24 (ban on smoking in public and workplace i... K Woodeshick - 《Rutgers J.l. & Urb.poly》 被引...
The current study examined home and full (i.e., home plus car) smoking ban adoption as secondary outcomes to a randomized controlled trial targeting reduced secondhand smoke exposure (SHSe) for children under treatment for cancer.Families with at least 1 adult smoker who reported SHSe for their...
By industry, the healthcare sector is most health-conscious, with 74% of organisations having a complete smoking ban, partly as a result of specific anti-smoking legislation applied to the healthcare industry. The legal profession appears to be the least concerned, with only 31% of l...
smoking ban score (ß = − 6.51) and having a university degree (ß = − 68.35) were significantly associated with lower cumulative cigarette smoking. Higher knowledge about the smoking-related health problems and better attitudes toward smoking ban were observed among non-...