I used to smoke, sense I was about 15 years old. I wasn't a light smoker, in fact smoked a pack of day. When I was a teenager I loved smoking! As I matured, smoking wasn't making too much sense to me, why am I puffing away almost every move I make? It's not because it...
According to Lardner and Reppetto’s NYPD, this use of the word “rabbi” is peculiar to New York, dating from the late 19th century when some Irish Catholic police officer first used the term to refer to the senior officer or politician, usually also Irish Catholic, who was his mentor,...
We are in Holy Family Catholic Church for the Sunday mass. My mother, my brother, and me. My father is no longer with us. We are seated on the last pew, close to the exit facing the grotto. I watch my mother as she watches the other women. Women in expensive brocade, golden ...
Harris grew up in Berkley. And that is where, if you really look closely, the “dream” diverges from the path. Her mother, a breast cancer scientist,