"funny how characters in books said the things one wanted to say." --"Smoke, Lilies and Jade"...Christian, Shawn AnthonyNational Association for Ethnic Studies, Inc.Ethnic Studies Review
Alisma orientalis Purple taro Jade cicada flower Silver border awn Lotus rush water hyacinth Water celery reed Perfume Lotus Water lilies Movable fence > cassiabark tree Golden osmanthus Longbai Anemone Luo mu Shi Nan False betel nut August laurel an acacia Kudingcha Podocarpus Michelia chapensis...
All plants enhance the air for humans and animals by pulling carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen. Peace lilies have been found to cleanse the air of many dangerous chemicals found in homes and offices, such as methyl, acetone, toluene, benzene and ammonia. They do this by...