Wow. -- Andreas DL1AJG in Germany continues with the Electronics for Biologists DC RX build. -- Dean KK4DAS and his homebrew 10 meter DSB rig. -- Jim W2UO built a Michigan Mighty Mite and made a contact. -- Dave K8WPE and the E in IBEW. We need new stickers. -- Bob KC4...
Time to start getting organized. First order of business was what do we call ourselves. That was one of the easier things to figure out. We’ll adhere to the KISS principle in this and all follow on matters. We will call ourselves what we are… The USMC/Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Reunion...
can be purchased separately. Many grills have a side table, some of which are folding, which is a significant plus meaning you can use it easily for your other utensils and accessories while you are grilling. Some models also have removable ash catchers which make the grill easier to clean....
Delete all annoying dust and ash particles. And enjoy your spooky image! Before and after my simple edits As you can see, there’s not much post-processing involved. That’s why I love creating this effect on the set. The editing is quick, and setting up the scene is fun. Some of...
If using a gas grill: Use indirect heat on medium (325° to 350°F), a 2- to 4-burner grill-middle burner(s) off, or a 2-burner grill with 1 side off and a clean, oiled grate. If using a charcoal grill: Indirect heat, medium ash, split charcoal bed (about 2 dozen coals per...
Easy Ash Removal As with all of the Woodwind pellet smokers, there is a cup on the bottom of the smoke chamber that let's you clean the ash from the firepot quickly and efficiently. Pull the lever in between cooking sessions and the ashes fall down into the cup, empty the cool ashes...
These “sleeping volcanoes” may “wake up” one day and erupt again. 【3】 But one day in AD 79 it suddenly woke up. Its eruption threw out hot ash and rocky fragments (碎片) that buried the city of Pompeii. A hot mud-flow buried nearby Herculaneum. Because the remains are so well...
“wake up” one day and erupt again. 【3】 But one day in AD 79 it suddenly woke up. Its eruption threw out hot ash and rocky fragments (碎片) that buried the city of Pompeii. A hot mud-flow buried nearby Herculaneum. Because the remains are so well preserved, the area has been ...
Smoke Signals: Chris Eyre द्वारा निर्देशित. Adam Beach, Evan Adams, Irene Bedard, Gary Farmer के साथ. Arnold rescued Thomas from a fire when he was a child. Thomas thinks of Arnold as a hero, wh
这么说吧,我手机的通知音,很早以前是niconiconi,后来改成了安野希世乃的hentai 现在我用的是刘醒的...