Withdaylight saving timehere once again, everyone knows to turn clocks back an hour to the appropriate new time. But there's one more crucial task that should also be completed with every anniversary of turning the clocks: changing the batteries in smoke alarms, too. For the last 29 years,...
Why do smoke detector alarms go off even when there's no smoke? The most likely reason smoke detectors go off unexpectedly is that people aren't changing the batteries in them often enough. In most sensors you might think of, the strength of the signal goes up when they detect what they...
Smoke alarms are extremely important because it can be surprisingly difficult to detect a fire in your home. These alarms tell you when your house is on fire much sooner than you would be able to identify it yourself. Not all smoke alarms are created equal. It is important to make sure t...
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends testing your smoke alarms once a month using the test button and changing the batteries twice a year, which can conveniently be done when we change our clocks for daylight saving time in the spring and fall. In today’s day and age...
Is Your Smoke Alarm Secretly Planning to KILL YOU? “When Good Smoke Alarms Go Bad…” Believe it or not, the smoke alarm you’re relying on to SAVE YOUR LIFE in th
These life-saving devices help to keep your family safe. Here are our best smoke detector recommendations from trusted brands First Alert, Kidde, and more.
Check Your Smoke Alarms While Changing Your Clocks Date: Thursday, November 1, 2012 For Immediate Release VICTORIA, BC — The Victoria Fire Department reminds residents to change household smoke alarm batteries this weekend when Daylight Saving Time ends. Clocks in North America "fall back" one ho...
•Smokealarmsarerequiredtohaveaminimumservicelifeofatleast10years.Alessormustnotpassontheirobligationstothetenanttoactontheirbehalfsuchasaskingthetenanttoreplacebatteriesatthebeginningofthetenancy.DisclaimerThis actsheetisprepared orin ormationonly.TheFireandRescueAct1990istheprimarysourceonthelawandtakesprecedence...
— Newer smoke alarms come with lithium batteries that can last up to 10 years. — Every 10 years, replace all your smoke alarms — sooner if they do not respond properly when tested. — Choose alarms that bear the label of a recognized testing laboratory....
Toavoid false alarms from steam, place smoke detectors at least 36 inches away from a bathroom door. Keep alarms away from windows, ducts, and doors. On pitched ceilings, install smoke detectors within three feet of the peak but not within the four inches closest to the peak. ...