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Ground based Hα and magnetogram data have been combined with EUV, soft and hard X-ray observations made with instruments on-board the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellite. The preflare phase was marked by a gradual brightening of the flare site in Ov and the disappearance of an Hα ...
ACR Electronics在汉堡SMM上公布了最新的安全创新 2024年8月30日 ACR Electronics公司信标产品 劳德代尔堡,8月29日——ACR Electronics将于9月3日至6日在汉堡2024年SMM展会上展示其迄今为止最先进的产品线。 展会参观者可以参观位于B6展厅353号展台的ACR Electronics,探索该公司旨在提高海洋、航空、户外和军事领域安全...
ACR Electronics在汉堡SMM上公布了最新的安全创新 2024年8月30日 ACR Electronics公司信标产品 劳德代尔堡,8月29日——ACR Electronics将于9月3日至6日在汉堡2024年SMM展会上展示其迄今为止最先进的产品线。 展会参观者可以参观位于B6展厅353号展台的ACR Electronics,探索该公司旨在提高海洋、航空、户外和军事领域安全...
The temperature diagnostics of hot flare plasma, obtained from two Solar Maximum Mission instruments (HXIS and BCS), is compared. A good general agreement between the HXIS and BCS-Fe temperature scales has been found. However, for the growth phase of some flares a systematic difference, T HX...
FLARE 食戟之灵 薙切绘里奈 开订 14,080円(含税) 11月发售 长图 长图 û收藏 49 1 ñ131 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...动漫博主 Ü 简介: 个人账号,不卖手办不代购不接推广 更多a 微关系 他的关注(186) 理名_TOGEN...
Analysis of Flare Evolution in the Emission Measure-Temperature Diagram for Three Events Observed by SMMFlaresX-raysSolar PhysicsHydrodynamicsWe have examined the time profile of the flare heating function based on an analysis of evolutionary paths in the emission measure-temperature diagram. Three limb...
Unique SMM observations of an impulsive double solar flare: Enhanced neon abundancedoi:10.1016/0273-1177(93)90500-BThe Solar Maximum Mission Flat Crystal Spectrometer observed a GOES M5 double impulsive flare on 05 November 1980. Simultaneous spectra of seven bright soft X-ray resonance lines ...
Antonucci, E., Dodero, M.A.: 1995, Temperature dependence of nonthermal motions in solar flare plasmas observed with the flat crystal spectrometer on SMM. Astrophys. J. 438, 480 - 490. doi:10.1086/175092.Antonucci, E., & Dodero, M. A., Temperature dependence of nonthermal motions in ...